Google has announced a new color option for its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones, adding a fresh and vibrant touch to the device lineup. The new color, Mint, is available now in the US starting January 25th.
Key Features of the Mint Color Option
- Muted Color: The Mint color option is a bit more subdued compared to the “bay” blue 8 Pro, offering a less flashy alternative to the existing color options.
- Exclusive Availability: The mint Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will be exclusively available from the Google Store, with carriers and US customers able to purchase the new color starting on January 25th.
- Storage Capacity: The Mint color option is only available with the base 128GB of storage.
Design Inspiration
Google describes the mint color as “inspired by the vibrant colors found in nature” and is a color that is “equally bold, focused and optimistic for the new year and a refreshed version of you”. , While some may find the description a bit exaggerated, the mint color definitely adds a unique and attractive touch to the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro devices.
Availability and Pricing
The Mint color option is available exclusively on the Google Store, with carriers and US customers able to purchase the new color starting January 25. The Mint color option is priced the same as the other available colors.
The new Mint color choice for the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro provides a fresh and unique design for those who prefer a more understated alternative to the existing color choices. The Mint color, with its calm green tone and exclusive availability through the Google Store, is an excellent choice for individuals who want to stand out while retaining a modest and classy appearance.