South Indian actor and politician Vijayakanth passed away on Thursday due to COVID-19 complications. A large crowd gathered for his last rites, including actor Vijay. However, during this time, a man threw a slipper at Vijay (Thalapathy Vijay Attacked By Slipper), which was captured on CCTV. This incident has left Vijay’s fans quite upset.
Actor Vijay Pays Respect at Vijayakanth’s Funeral
On Thursday, the South Indian film industry was shaken by the death of veteran actor Vijayakanth. Actor Vijay, who has worked with him in several films, was also deeply saddened by his demise. He visited Vijayakanth’s funeral in the evening, but a shameful incident took place during this time. The video of this incident has gone viral on social media.
We #Ajith fans strongly condemneding this disrespect behaviour to vijay . whoever it may be, we should respect when they came to our place.
Throwing slipper to @actorvijay is totally not acceptable 👎🏻
Stay strong #Vijay #RIPCaptainVijayakanth
— AK (@iam_K_A) December 29, 2023
Slipper Thrown at Actor
The video shows someone from the crowd throwing a slipper at Thalapathi Vijay. This incident occurred amid tight police security. After the video surfaced, fans expressed their concern and condemned the incident.
Slipper was attacked by his own fans on the head of Actor #Vijay 🥹🫤
See this video, Worst fans da @actorvijay 💔#ThalaAjith #CaptainVijayakanth #RIPVijayakanth #விஜயகாந்த் #RIPCaptainVijayakanth#விஜயகாந்த்
— #3 (@HashtagThree) December 28, 2023
Vijay and Vijayakanth have worked together in several films. Vijayakanth portrayed the role of Vijay’s brother in the film “Senthurapandi,” and he also appeared in 17 films alongside Vijay’s father, SA Chandrasekhar. Thalapathi Vijay was last seen in the movie “Leo.”
In conclusion, the unfortunate incident of Thalapathy Vijay being attacked by a slipper while paying his last respects to the late actor Vijayakanth has caused outrage and shock. This disrespectful behavior towards the popular South actor has been strongly condemned, and the incident has sparked widespread concern among fans. The close association between Vijay and Vijayakanth in various films adds to the significance of this incident. The video of the attack has gone viral on social media, causing distress among fans. This incident serves as a reminder of the need for respect and dignity, even in moments of grief and loss.