In a groundbreaking move, Nothing has announced a remarkable Rs 10,000 price drop on its flagship Phone 2, specifically on the 12GB/256GB variant. This limited-time offer is scheduled to coincide with Flipkart’s upcoming Republic Day 2024 sale, presenting an opportunity for buyers to acquire the Phone 2 at an attractive price of Rs 34,999, down from its original price of Rs 44,999. The promotional deal is set to run until January 19 or until stocks are depleted.
Commitment to Accessibility: Nothing’s Recent Price Adjustments
This significant price reduction aligns with Nothing’s commitment to ensuring that cutting-edge technology remains accessible to a wider audience. Nothing had previously revised the Phone 2 prices in India in December 2023, reaffirming this commitment, albeit five months after the initial launch.
Originally introduced in July 2023 with a starting price of Rs 44,999 for the 8GB/128GB version, the Phone 2’s 12GB/256GB and 12GB/512GB models were initially priced at Rs 49,999 and Rs 54,999, respectively. With the recent price adjustment, the Phone 2 now offers three configurations: Rs 39,999 (8GB/128GB), Rs 44,999 (12GB/256GB), and Rs 49,999 (12GB/512GB).
Initial pricing in July 2023:
Configuration | Original Price (Rs) |
8GB/128GB | 44,999 |
12GB/256GB | 49,999 |
12GB/512GB | 54,999 |
Revised pricing post the adjustment:
Configuration | Revised Price (Rs) |
8GB/128GB | 39,999 |
12GB/256GB | 44,999 |
12GB/512GB | 49,999 |
Additional Savings and Incentives for Buyers
In addition to the enticing flat discount, Nothing has introduced additional savings and incentives for potential buyers. ICICI bank cardholders participating in Flipkart’s promotional sale can enjoy an extra Rs 2,000 discount on the Phone 2. Moreover, Nothing is offering an “enhanced” exchange value of Rs 3,000 for eligible devices traded in during the promotional period. As an added bonus, buyers of the Phone 2 can opt for a CMF 65W GaN charger at a discounted price of Rs 1,999, a Rs 1,000 reduction from its original pricing.
Phone 2’s Unique Proposition: Hardware, Software, and Design
The Phone 2 distinguishes itself by combining robust hardware and stock-ish Android software within a distinctive, albeit polarizing, see-through design. Despite its merits, competitors such as the OnePlus 11R and iQOO Neo 7 Pro offer better value, while the OnePlus Nord 3 provides a compelling smartphone experience at a more affordable price point.
Competitor | Notable Features |
OnePlus 11R | Offers better value |
iQOO Neo 7 Pro | Competes well in terms of value |
OnePlus Nord 3 | Provides a compelling smartphone experience |
Considering Nothing’s Philosophy: Phone 1 as an Alternative
For those intrigued by Nothing’s philosophy, the earlier Phone 1, which has undergone multiple price cuts since its launch, remains a viable option. However, the substantial Rs 10,000 price reduction on the Phone 2 may make it a more appealing choice for potential buyers, even if it sparks discussions among those who initially purchased the device at its original pricing.