New Delhi. There was a time when Bajaj Boxer used to rule the Indian market. However, due to the updated designs and better mileage bikes from Bajaj and other companies, its sales kept decreasing and eventually the company had to discontinue it. Although people may have forgotten this bike from Bajaj that was available between 1990-2002, it is still making a mark in the international market today.
Export Leader
Bajaj Boxer is at the top of the list of bikes exported by the company in India. Bajaj Auto exports bikes from India such as Boxer, Pulsar, Platina, CT, Discover, Dominar, and Avenger range. The company sells these bikes in countries including Africa and the Middle East. And looking at the numbers, Bajaj Boxer is the highest selling bike among these.
Boxer’s Triumph!
According to the figures, in the past month of November 2023, Bajaj exported 63,936 units of Boxer. Even after a decrease of almost 20 percent in exports last month, it remained the highest exported bike. In addition, Pulsar and CT exported 31,392 and 14,112 units respectively. Bajaj exported 7,252 units of Discover from India, while Platina’s figure was 2,673 units. The least export by the company was of Avenger, which was only 13 units. Altogether, the company exported 1,21,691 two-wheeler vehicles in November.
Selling in Multiple Variants
The company is selling Boxer in the international market in three engine variants, including 110cc, 125cc, and 150cc models. The 110cc model is the most preferred, with 45,784 units sold. Similarly, the sale of the 125cc model was 7,604 units. There has also been strong demand for the Boxer 150cc. It sold 10,548 units last month.
In conclusion, the Bajaj Boxer, which was once a popular motorcycle in the Indian market, has seen a decline in domestic sales due to competition from updated designs and higher mileage bikes. However, the bike continues to dominate the international market, with the highest number of exports in Bajaj’s lineup. The Boxer is available in three engine variants, with the 110cc model being the most popular. Despite a slight decline in November 2023, the Boxer remains the highest exported bike, showcasing its continued success in international markets.